Raythe Grey

The world was veiled in
darkness. The wind stopped,
the sea was wild,
and the earth began to rot.
The people waited,
their only hope, a prophecy...
"When the world is in darkness
Four Warriors will come..."
...But they never did.

About Raythe

A temperamental, secretive, and rebellious Miqo'te of about nineteen summers, with an uncanny knack for thaumaturgy, a very straight poker face, and a seemingly bottomless appetitie for food...especially sweets.

...is what any Eorzean would see, anyway, but that's hardly the whole story.

Raythe hails from another shard: the Seventh, Rejoined when Dalamud exploded over Carteneau and released Bahamut.

She is one of, if not the last, living remainder of the Miuno, the Seventh's equivalent of the Miqo'te in much the same way as the First's Mystel.

Her unusually potent thaumaturgy isn't exactly thaumaturgy, either; it's a practice developed centuries past by the ancient Lefeinish, passed down and modified by her tribe over the ages into a school known to them as wizardry that superficially resembles black magic, though many of its principles and mechanisms differ.

The Seventh

A world drained of aether by its Elemental Guardians, corrupted by one man's greed and warped into creatures known as Fiends. Spreading a virulent aetheric plague known as the Sickness, they destroyed civilization, then life itself, finally supping on so much aether that nothing more could grow or reproduce.

A small group of survivors, many of them protected from the mind and body-warping ravages of the Sickness by virtue of the Blessing, concocted a desperate plan of escape. Combining several schools of both magic and technology, they managed to create a brief, tenuous connection to the Source. Raythe was among the handful who found their way to salvation.

While the Seventh is utterly destroyed now, having been Rejoined with the Source, its lore and geography were based on Final Fantasy I. Raythe herself grew up in the Great Desert near the Mirage Tower.

The Miuno

The Miuno were, not unlike the Miqo'te, tribal folk and accomplished survivalists. However, over the ages, most of them came to adapt to outside civilization and relinquish much of their tribal ways. Raythe's clan was one of the remaining groups that still lived in a remote corner of the world, following their old traditions...which in their case included potent destructive magics.

Where the Miuno differed the most greatly from their Source cousins was their tribal organization and unusual rules about intermarriage. Families were designated by coloration, and names generally given accordingly.

The Grey tribe, for example, all had at least one physical coloration which was gray: hair, eyes, or skin. Raythe, having gray hair, pink skin, and golden eyes, could have married into the Grey, Gold, or Rose tribes. Being born into the Grey tribe, she was given a name that evokes something of that color; her mother, for example, was named Myste, and her father was named Slate.